For my application I need dynamic database connections at runtime. I know, there are ways to create multiple datasources but they are not that dynamically I think. Scenario:
A user can enter database credentials and connect to a remote database to import single rows and tables to an other database. For this purpose I need to connect to the remote database dynamically.
I've tried to do that in a service like they've said in If I use groovy sql class in grails, does it use the grails connection pooling?
Note: GORM is dispensable in this case, I can use plain SQL instead.
Any ideas? Thank you..
Edit: Grails 2.3.4
You can do this sort of thing to register DataSource beans at runtime:
Given a Grails Service:
package whatever
import groovy.sql.Sql
import org.springframework.context.*
import org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource
class DataSourceService implements ApplicationContextAware {
ApplicationContext applicationContext
def registerBean( String beanName, String dsurl, String uid, String pwd ) {
if( !applicationContext.containsBean( beanName ) ) {
def bb = new grails.spring.BeanBuilder()
bb.beans {
"$beanName"( DataSource ) {
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
url = dsurl
username = uid
password = pwd
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
testOnBorrow = true
maxActive = 1
maxIdle = 1
minIdle = 1
initialSize = 1
bb.registerBeans( applicationContext ) "Added $beanName"
else {
log.error "Already got a bean called $beanName"
def deRegisterBean( String beanName ) {
if( applicationContext.containsBean( beanName ) ) {
(applicationContext as GenericApplicationContext).removeBeanDefinition( beanName ) "Removed $beanName"
else {
log.error "Trying to deRegister a bean $beanName that I don't know about"
def getSql( String beanName ) {
Sql.newInstance( applicationContext.getBean( beanName ) )
Then, you should be able to call the service to register a new datasource:
dataSourceService.registerBean( 'myDS', 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql', 'test', 'test' )
Get a Groovy Sql object for it:
dataSourceService.getSql( 'myDS' ).rows( 'SELECT * FROM whatever' )
And remove the bean when done
dataSourceService.deRegisterBean( 'myDS' )
Fingers crossed... I've yanked that code from a project of mine and changed/not-tested it ;-)
The runtime-datasources plugin has been created which uses the approach outlined in this post to allow datasources to be added/removed at runtime.