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HighCharts Stock Chart error code 18

I am trying to add series to my chart application using gwt-highchart (using the latest gwt-highchart 1.6.0 and Highstock 2.3.4 versions). Everything seems fine until the third series. When I try to add the third one I got this error: (String) 
object(4953), JavaScript object(5135), bool: true, bool: true]): Highcharts error #18:

And here is my code (runs within a loop):

            // Create a new serie with a new yAxis
        Series newSeries = chart.createSeries().setYAxis(index).setPlotOptions(new LinePlotOptions().setColor(tag.getColor()));

        // Set new yAxis options
        chart.getYAxis(index).setPlotLines(chart.getYAxis(index).createPlotLine().setValue(0).setWidth(1).setColor(tag.getColor())).setLabels(new YAxisLabels().setEnabled(false)).setTickLength(0).setOffset(60).setStartOnTick(false)
                .setAxisTitle(new AxisTitle().setText(null).setStyle(new Style().setColor(tag.getColor())));

        // Add the serie to the chart
        chart.addSeries(newSeries.setName("Test " + index));

First two series are OK as I said before but third one throws the above exception (when I debug the application, I can see the newly created yAxis references).

Here is the line which throws the exception:

chart.addSeries(newSeries.setName("Test " + index));



  • I've figured it out finally!

    GWT-HighCharts seems to be the problem. It does not add the new YAxis to the Chart at all. So you must add YAxis via native calls like this;

    private static native void nativeAddAxis(JavaScriptObject chart, JavaScriptObject axisOptions, boolean isX, boolean redraw, boolean animationFlag) /*-{
        chart.addAxis(axisOptions, isX, redraw, animationFlag);

    Just call this native method before adding the new series.

                // Create new series
            Series newSeries = chart.createSeries().setYAxis(index);
            newSeries.setPlotOptions(new LinePlotOptions().setColor(tag.getColor()));
            newSeries.setName(index + 1 + ") ");
            // Create a new YAxis
            YAxis yAxis = chart.getYAxis(index).setPlotLines(chart.getYAxis(index).createPlotLine().setValue(0).setWidth(1).setColor(tag.getColor())).setLabels(new YAxisLabels().setEnabled(false)).setTickLength(0).setOffset(60)
                    .setAxisTitle(new AxisTitle().setText(null).setStyle(new Style().setColor(tag.getColor())));
            // IMPORTANT!: New YAxis must be added to the chart via native calls since gwt-highcharts wrapper doesn't do that properly!
            nativeAddAxis(chart.getNativeChart(), yAxis.getOptions().getJavaScriptObject(), false, false, false);
            // Physical attach