I'm building a large word document, and need to change the text colour of 'part' of a string, only.
I've found similar questions in a few places here, here and here, but where my problem seems to differ, is that I only wish to colour part of a string, as opposed to a whole paragraph, or an entire OpenTBS field, as in these examples.
I first tried wrapping the individual chunk of string in docx XML tags, but found php converted then to entities (>
etc) which clearly was no use. Currently, I've moved on to wrapping the part of the text in XML tags through a template script, which gives me a malformed XML output, I presume because I have content between the </w:r>
from one substring, and the <w:r>
of the next substring.
Any advice on how to do this properly? Below is the current code and output.
//Function called onmerge. I wrap the portion of string I want to change the text
//colour of with [UNTRANSLATED] and [ENDUNTRANSLATED] manually earlier, and attempt
//to swap them for tags at this point.
function lb($FieldName, &$CurrVal) {
$CurrVal= str_replace('[UNTRANSLATED]', '<w:r><w:rPr><w:color w:val="FF0000"/></w:rPr><w:t>', $CurrVal);
$CurrVal= str_replace('[ENDUNTRANSLATED]', '</w:t></w:r>', $CurrVal);
And the output...
<w:color w:val="FF0000" />
<w:t>Slaked Lime</w:t>
<w:color w:val="FF0000" />
<w:t>Air slaked Lime</w:t>
[code continues in same style...]
Word flags the error at the point where my second block, and second <w:r>
tag are. Unfortunately the error is beautifully non-descript.
The issue with the above code was that OpenTBS inputs strings into a pair of <w:r><w:t>
tags, which need to be closed, before you insert your own. (As Sarah Kemp said in comments, <w:t>
doesn't appear to be nestable.
The below is an updated, working version. xml:space="preserve"
also needed to be added to preserve spacing.
//Function called onmerge. I wrap the portion of string I want to change the text
//colour of with [UNTRANSLATED] and [ENDUNTRANSLATED] manually earlier, and attempt
//to swap them for tags at this point.
function lb($FieldName, &$CurrVal) {
$CurrVal= str_replace('[UNTRANSLATED]', '</w:t></w:r><w:r><w:rPr><w:color w:val="FF0000"/></w:rPr><w:t xml:space="preserve">', $CurrVal);
$CurrVal= str_replace('[ENDUNTRANSLATED]', '</w:t></w:r><w:r><w:t xml:space="preserve">', $CurrVal);