It seems that Sybase omitted the function median() in Sybase ASE (15.x) while the typical, sum(), min(), max(), count(), etc... are available.
As a result, I was thinking that I could create a UDF (User Defined Function) that would fill that gap. I see a few examples of UDF taking a value (or fixed set of values) and returning a value; like this one:
Unfortunately, I don't see any example where a function takes an array of values as parameters. I saw the ugly hack to concatenate all the values into a long string and pass that, but I would rather try to explore a cleaner way of doing it. I could also require that whatever calls the function to insert the data into a predetermined tmp table that can then be read by the function, but that seems ugly too.
Any suggestions?
You can use temporary table to use it as array. Consider below example
create table #t
id int
insert into #T values (1)
create function fun
returns int
declare @id int
select @id = id from #T
return @id