I have a situation where I need to join a table only on a particular condition.
Lets take the underwritten scenario
create table [premiumuser] (user_id int, name nvarchar(50));
create table [liteuser] (user_id int, name nvarchar(50));
create table [feature] (id nvarchar(50), user_id int, userkey int);
insert into [premiumuser] select 1, 'stephen';
insert into [premiumuser] select 2, 'roger';
insert into [liteuser] select 1, 'apollo';
insert into [liteuser] select 2, 'venus';
insert into feature select 'Upload content', 1, 1;
insert into feature select 'Create account', 1, 0;
insert into feature select 'View content', 2, 0;
Now I want to join only 1 table at a time from premiumUser or Lite user.
select F.*, U.Name from feature
Inner Join
if condition 1
LiteUser U on U.User_Id = F.User_ID
PremiumUser U on U.User_Id = F.User_ID
Is there anyway to achieve this???
I know something like this can be done
case when userkey=0 then l.name else p.name end as username
from [feature] f
left join [liteuser] l on l.user_id = f.user_id
left join [premium user] p on p.user_id = f.user_id
but since I have huge tables I don't want to join both the tables. I want to be selective in joining the tables
No, you can't selective join in standard TSQL (definitely true for MS SQL and I'm pretty sure it's true for Oracle and MySQL).
You can however put the condition in the join. This will allow SQL to very quickly ignore the join because it will evaluate the conditions in order:
case when userkey=0 then l.name else p.name end as username
from [feature] f
left join [liteuser] l
on condition1 = 1
AND l.user_id = f.user_id
left join [premium user] p
on condition1 = 2
and p.user_id = f.user_id