I'm creating tasks in Asana via the api and pulling comments from elsewhere into Asana 'stories'. This all works well however the api doesn't seem to allow a user id to be passed for the comment - so it appears that only I have made comments and am answering myself!
I am wondering if there is a hidden bit of the api to set the commenting user id?
Also the body of the comment displays html tags such as
<li> <ol> <br>
as plain text. Is there a way to fix this also?
The story should have a field called created_by
which is a struct that contains the user id and user name. Is this always you?
If you're using the API to add a comment, then the creating user will always be you. There API provides no way to impersonate another user. Unless you can get their API credentials, this is a no go.
As for stripping the text - sadly, no. There is no way to prevent this.