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MODX override generated link url for specific resource

I have a regular website that uses friendly urls and each page generates another level in the domain url


I would like to create some landing pages. But I want to collect them in a resources called seo.

my landing page alias is webdesign

so modx produces a url like this:

which is correct and should be like that for all my other pages but I want a special treatment for the /seo/ folder.

I am looking for a rewrite rule to remove the /seo/ from the URL.

i tried to modify the htaccess file of modx with this line

 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/seo/.*
 RewriteRule ^seo/(.*)$ /$1 [L]

but it does not work.

Any help would be much appreciated


  • You can try this : go in "Settings" tab of your landing resource, check the "freeze url" checkbox and remove the /seo/ manually.