I've got a DLL on my WindowsCE device that I need to delete. (so I can upgrade it), the problem is that I can't do it.. The system will just not let go.
NOTE: I wish to Avoid a soft reset.
I have removed all reference to the DLL in the registry. I've exited my application. I just can't delete the DLL.. After a soft reset, I can delete it fine, even if I'm running the my application that should be using it.
So my question is... What's holding it open, and how do I stop it, or tell it to let go?
I've used CoFreeUnusedLibraries() and CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEX(); Both have had no effect/affect
I attempted that, but it doesn't actually free it right away.. Seems it holds onto it for a time.
What did work..
I MOVEFILE the file to a junk location.
Then I copyfile the new file into where the old file was.
then I reboot the system..
Now the system loads the new file (accomplishing my goal) and I'm free to delete the old file when ever I like.
It isn't the most elegant way, but it's simple and it works.