Search code examples

Create a pivot table with PostgreSQL

Suppose I have a table in Postgres called listings that looks like this:

id neighborhood bedrooms price
1 downtown 0 189000
2 downtown 3 450000
3 riverview 1 300000
4 riverview 0 250000
5 downtown 1 325000
6 riverview 2 350000


How do I write a crosstab query that shows the average price per bedrooms as the columns and neighborhoods as the rows?

The output of the query should have the following format:

neighborhood 0 1 2 3
downtown 189000 325000 - 450000
riverview 250000 300000 350000 -



  • First compute the average with the aggregate function avg():

    SELECT neighborhood, bedrooms, avg(price)
    FROM   listings
    GROUP  BY 1,2
    ORDER  BY 1,2;

    Then feed the result to the crosstab() function (provided by the additional module tablefunc). Cast the avg to int if you want rounded results as displayed:

    SELECT *
    FROM   crosstab(
       'SELECT neighborhood, bedrooms, avg(price)::int
        FROM   listings
        GROUP  BY 1, 2
        ORDER  BY 1, 2;'
      , $$SELECT unnest('{0,1,2,3}'::int[])$$
       ) AS ct ("neighborhood" text, "0" int, "1" int, "2" int, "3" int);


    Detailed instructions:

    The same can be achieved with the aggregate FILTER clause. A bit simpler, and doesn't need an additional module, but typically slower. Related answer with side-by-side solutions: