the error message is
msxml3.dll: Unknown method.
My code looks like this and the error is on the case NEW
Case OLD
works fine with [0]
in there
'On Error Resume Next
Public Function GetParameterXml()
GetParameterXml = _
"<Parameters>" &_
"<Parameter Value='Age' Code='A' Description='Age' Type='Combo' Tooltip='Would you like the newest or oldest Reason?'>" &_
" <Options>" &_
" <Option Code='O' Description='Oldest' Value='OLD' />" &_
" <Option Code='N' Description='Newest' Value='NEW' />" &_
" </Options>" &_
"</Parameter>" &_
End Function
'Parameter Variables
Dim Age : Set Age = Parameters.Item( Bookmark , "Age" )
' PlaceHolder Variables
Dim CommentNodes
''' stop here and look around
Select Case Age.Value
Case "OLD":
Set CommentNodes = XmlDoc.SelectNodes("Record/CelloXml/Integration/Case/ServiceEvent[0]/Service/Comment")
Case "NEW":
Set CommentNodes = XmlDoc.SelectNodes("Record/CelloXml/Integration/Case/ServiceEvent[last()]/Service/Comment")
End Select
For Each CommentNode In CommentNodes
ReturnData = ReturnData & CommentNode.Text & MD
If Len(ReturnData) > 0 Then
ReturnData = Left(ReturnData, Len(ReturnData) - Len(MD))
ReturnData = vbNullString
End If
for some reason it doesn't like last()
is there another way to do this? I need the functionality of the last function, so that if there is only one ServiceEvent
node it will still grab that node.
I am not a VBScript Guy (yet) and everything that I have learned about xPath is what I have learned on the job.
Just add the following property
XmlDoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
My test xml is as follows
My test code is as follows
strXMLReadFile = "C:\Test.xml"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
xmlDoc.Async = False
Set nodeXML = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//root/child1/child2[last()]")
msgbox nodeXML(0).Text
I get test4