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CDate on windows XP

In the form I use DateTimePicker like this:

With dtp_myDate
    .Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
    .CustomFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy."
    .Value = CType("16.12.2013. 11:30:25.1234", Date)
End With

Also I may use CDate instead of CType where in both cases date is expressed as string with date and time with milliseconds.
I can't change this since data comes from (not mine) database.

On machine with windows 7 that work OK but on windows XP machine I get error exception with message that this string is not valid for Date conversion.

Can this be be solved that such code work on both machines without error and how?


  • You want to use DateTime.ParseExact

    An example is provided here:

    Changing this to your needs as follows:

        Dim dateString, format As String
        Dim result As Date
        Dim provider As CultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
        ' Parse date-only value with invariant culture.
        dateString = "16.12.2013. 11:30:25.1234"
        format = "dd.MM.yyyy. hh:mm:ss.ffff"
            result = Date.ParseExact(dateString, format, provider)
            Debug.WriteLine("{0} converts to {1}", dateString, result.ToString())
            dtp_myDate.Value = result
        Catch ex As FormatException
            Debug.WriteLine("{0} is not in the correct format", dateString)
        End Try


    16.12.2013. 11:30:25.1234 converts to 16/12/2013 11:30:25