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how to finish reverting a commit, and how to revert a lot of commits

This has to be simple, but I can't find it in git-scm.

I've been making a lot of small commits to a public project, and all of my work is bad. I want to remove everything that I've done. Some I've just committed locally, some I've pushed to 'origin master'.

The first commit (a week ago) is bdbad86... with the most recent being e82401b...

I want to just make all these go away. I've tried to revert one.

git status  
# On branch master  
# You are currently reverting commit e82401b.  
#   (all conflicts fixed: run "git revert --continue")  
#   (use "git revert --abort" to cancel the revert operation)  
  1. I can't figure out how to finish this reverting.
  2. I don't want to have to do each commit separately, I want to blow them all away.


  • I'm assuming here that no one else interjected commits in between your work, and that you bad commits form a continuous range in the repo's history. Otherwise you're going to have to get more complicated. Let's assume your history looks like this:

    e82401b - (master, HEAD) My most recent private commit
    bc2da37 - My first private commit
    cf3a183 - (origin/master) My most recent bad public commit
    292acf1 - My first bad public commit
    82edb2a - The last good public commit

    The first thing we want to do is blow away the commits that you haven't made public yet. You can do this with the following command (note that your changes will be gone and should be considered unrecoverable):

    git reset --hard cf3a183 

    Equivalently (and more readable):

    git reset--hard origin/master

    Now your view of the repository agrees with the view in origin/master. You now want to revert your bad public changes and publish them as a revert commit. These instructions are for creating a single revert commit.

    You can use git revert --no-commit a..b to revert all the commits starting at the commit after a (note that!) and ending at, and including, commit b. The reversion will be staged for you to commit. So, here, we would do:

    git revert --no-commit 82edb2a..HEAD

    Or, equivalently:

    git revert --no-commit 292acf1^..HEAD

    Remembering that HEAD now points to the same place as origin/master.

    After running the revert command you now have your changes staged and ready to commit, so just run a simple git commit -m "Reverting those bad changes I accidentally pushed and made public".