Trying to use partials in the Statamic CMS to keep some content areas as DRY as possible.
According to the documentation, I can pass variables to a partial like so:
{{ theme:partial src="sidebar" my_count="2" }}
In my partials/sidebar template, I have the following:
{{ my_count }}
{{ entries:listing folder="projects" }}
I am number {{ my_count }}
{{ /entries:listing }}
However, when the page loads, the variable inside the {{ entries:listing }} tag is not parsed.
I am number
I am number
I am number
I am number
I am number
Am I missing a step to get {{ my_count }} to output when called inside the entries tag pair?
NOTE: My ultimate goal is to pass the variable to a parameter, like so:
{{ entries:listing folder="projects" limit="{{ my_count }}" }}
{{ /entries:listing }}
The variable won't parse inside of the entries:listing
tag pair, but you can use it as a parameter.
This example code works:
{{ entries:listing
folder = "blog"
limit = "{ limit }"
{{ title }}
{{ /entries:listing }}
{{ theme:partial src="temp" limit="2" }}