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Lisp - prime number

I am trying to learn lisp and I have some difficulties with prime numbers. I need a function is-prime and if it is prime I have to return t and if it is not I have to return nil.

(prime 41) => t

(prime 35) => nil

So far I've got:

(defun is-prime (n d) 
  (if (= d 1) 
      (print "t") 
      (if (= (% n d) 0) 
          (print "nil") 
          (is-prime (n (- d 1) )))))

but I have 2 parameters there and I have no idea how to use only one. Plus, it's not working at all. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!


  • you have few missteps there:

    (defun is-prime (n d) 
      (if (= d 1) 
          (print "t") 
          (if (= (% n d) 0) 
              (print "nil") 

    First of all, don't print your results, just return them. Second, there's no % function, it's rem.

    The real error is how you make the recursive call. You have an extra pair of parentheses there:

              (is-prime (n (- d 1) )))))
              ;         ^          ^
              ;        this      and this

    in Lisp, parentheses signify a function call; but you don't intend to call n with an argument (- d 1), they both are arguments to is-prime. So we just need to remove those extra parentheses,

              (is-prime  n (- d 1)  ))))

    So what does it do? It counts down: d, (- d 1) ... 1. And when (= d 1), it returns t. So, one way to call it is

    (defun is-prime (n &optional (d (- n 1))) 
      (or (= d 1)
          (and (/= (rem n d) 0)
               (is-prime  n (- d 1)))))

    but it is not the most efficient way, :) nor the most safe one, either.

    It is much better to count up, not down, for one thing, because any random number is far more likely to have a smaller factor than a larger one. Then, it lets us optimize where we stop -- and stopping at the sqrt is much much more efficient, and just as correct.