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c++ object and "undefined reference to" not agree with duplicated

Hello all :) It was a forgotten double declaration with a "extern".


I believe it is a problem of object between differents files or a problem of "&" or "*"

I have the error line:

-lws2_32/tmp/ccBWAJ1F.o: dans la fonction « Z2iav »:/home/myfolder/ia.hpp:217: référence indéfinie vers « union_range »collect2: erreur: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution

(undefined reference to union_range with 1 code state execution)

I am at 95% sure that the error is from my use of a CarSet object (union_range) in ia.hpp in valeur_main_board_range(moment()+1,union_range)

I have a very close function valeur_main_board(moment()+1) without any error.


the error is here: int valeur_main = valeur_main_board_range(moment()+1,union_range);

in my file ia.hpp

#include "variable_calcule.hpp"

extern std::set<CardSet> union_range, resultat, range_joueur;
// the error was the "extern" to remove
void ia() 
std::set<CardSet> union_range, resultat, range_joueur;
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) 

    int valeur_main = valeur_main_board_range(moment()+1,union_range); // BUG HERE

valeur_main_board_range() code (using union_range)

union_range include from #include "variable_calcule.hpp" in include #include "analyse_action.hpp"

#include "CardSet.h"
using namespace pokerstove;
using namespace std;

int valeur_main_board_range(int nb_carte, std::set<CardSet> &range)     { 

int dessus=0;


return dessus;  

If I find the answer I will remove unnecessary code for future readers. For the moment I prefer put too much... But if you want I remove or add code just ask :)

Thank you for your reading :)


  • In presented code snippets I found out union_range only inside function ia where this name is well-defined.

    void ia() 
    std::set<CardSet> union_range, resultat, range_joueur;

    Here union_range is a local variable of type std::set<CardSet>. So you showed irrelevant code.