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How can I set a minimum value for basis dimension in mgcv?

Using a penalized spline of mgcv, I want to obtain effective degrees of freedom (EDF) of 10 /year in the example data (60 for the entire period).

df <- chicagoNMMAPS

df1<-subset(df, as.Date(date) >= '1995-01-01') 

mod1 <-gam(resp ~ s(time,bs='cr',k=6*15, fx=F)+ s(temp,k=6, bs='cr') + as.factor(dow) 

In the example data the basis dimension for time as measured by edf for time is 56.117, which is less than 10 per year.


Approximate significance of smooth terms:
           edf Ref.df     F p-value    
s(time) 56.117 67.187 5.369  <2e-16 ***
s(temp)  2.564  3.204 0.998   0.393    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.277   Deviance explained = 28.2%
GCV score = 1.1297  Scale est. = 1.0959    n = 2192

Manually I will change the edf a by supplying smoothing parameters as follows


 s(time)  s(temp) 

23.84809 17.23785 

Then I will plug the sp output into a new model and rerun it. Basically I will continue to alter the sp until I obtain edf of around 60. I will alter only the smoothing parameter for time.

I will start with a lower value and check the edf:

mod1a <-gam(resp ~ s(time,bs='cr',k=6*15, fx=F)+ s(temp,k=6, bs='cr') + as.factor(dow) 
,family=quasipoisson,na.action=na.omit,data=df1, sp= c(12.84809,  17.23785 
#  edf  62.997

I have to increase the smoothing parameters for time to bring down the edf to around 60.

mod1b <-gam(resp ~ s(time,bs='cr',k=6*15, fx=F)+ s(temp,k=6, bs='cr') + as.factor(dow) 
,family=quasipoisson,na.action=na.omit,data=df1, sp= c(14.84809,  17.23785 
edf  61.393  ## EDF still large, thus I have to increase the sp`

mod1c <-gam(resp ~ s(time,bs='cr',k=6*15, fx=F)+ s(temp,k=6, bs='cr') + as.factor(dow) 
,family=quasipoisson,na.action=na.omit,data=df1, sp=c(16.8190989, 17.23785)) 

edf= 60.005  ## This is what I want to obtain as a final model.

How can one achieve this final result with an efficient code?


  • I don't understand the details of your model, but if you are looking to minimize (or maximize) edf for models fitted with different sp, optim will do the job. First, create a function that returns just the edf given different values of sp.<-function(sp) {
      model <-gam(resp ~ s(time,bs='cr',k=6*15, fx=F)+ s(temp,k=6, bs='cr') + 
                  sp= c(sp,  17.23785) # Not sure if this quite right.
      abs(summary(model)$s.table['s(time)','edf']-60) # Subtract 60 and flip sign so 60 is lowest.

    Now, you can just run optim to minimize edf:

    # You could pick any reasonable starting sp value.
    # Many optimization methods are available, but in your case
    # they work equally well.
    # 16.82708

    and, subbing back in, you get nearly 0 (exactly 60 before transforming) when plugging in the function: # 2.229869e-06