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How to make colspan with display:column

I want to make a colspan in a display:column so I tried to do it as follows:

<display:column style="width=50% colspan=2 " title="${textResources['Exam.endDate']}"> 

but it doesn't work it seems that this property is not allowed in a display:column so how to do that?


  • To add a colspan to the display column you have to create a Table Decorator extends the TableDecorator class, override the method init, in this method you need to get the header for your cell and add the colspan attribute.

    package org.hannibal.utils.view.decorators;    
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
    import org.displaytag.decorator.TableDecorator;
    import org.displaytag.model.HeaderCell;
    import org.displaytag.model.TableModel;
    import org.displaytag.util.HtmlAttributeMap;
    public class ColspanTableDecorator extends TableDecorator {
        public void init(PageContext pageContext, Object decorated,
                TableModel tableModel) {
            super.init(pageContext, decorated, tableModel);
            List headersList = tableModel.getHeaderCellList(); 
            HeaderCell myHeader = (HeaderCell)headersList.get(0);
            HtmlAttributeMap map = myHeader.getHeaderAttributes();
            map.put("colSpan", "2");            

    And in the jsp I use it so.

    <display:table name="sessionScope.employees" pagesize="10" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"

    I hope this will help you