I want to automate a test case like.
I have two activities and in the first activity I am downloading the data from server and then I navigate to the second activity. so after coming back to first activity the state of the progress bar which i m using to show the download percentage should be retained/saved.
for this requirement I want to write a test case.Please suggest me a solution/example on design/code If you have.
Help is always appreciated, Thanks
Regards Raghu
I suppose that you use a button with text to navigato to the second Activity, so you can try
solo.clickOnText("second activity");
solo.goBack(); // back to the first activity
ProgressBar pb = (ProgressBar)solo.getCurrentActivity().findViewById(YOUR_PB_ID);
int progress = pb.getProgress(); // here you have the progressbar value
See more here: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ProgressBar.html#getProgress()