I am having trouble pushing code to Heroku. I have an account but I've forgotten the password. I created a new account and tried to push with it but now it shows me this error:
Your account someoneelse@gmail.com does not have access to
! SSH Key Fingerprint:
How can I log in with the new account? I'd like to remove this error message with a fresh account. I have uploaded my latest ssh key to heroku. I have tried everything to push code on heroku (basic setup), but I can't get past this error.
Any application in your account has two ssh key and you should remove one which is not in your "~/.ssh/" folder or follow these steps.
Here's the solution:
Go to www.heroku.com and login with the account that raises the error.
Go to the applications settings. (e.g. for an application named "rails-demo", go to rails-demo settings and check whether there are two ssh keys)
Remove the key which is no longer in your system
Or you can remove them both and then generate new one with these commands.
-> ssh-keygen -t rsa
-> heroku keys:add
Upload the new one and then in your console type
-> heroku log-in
Log in with your account and then push it to you app.
It's solved now.
You need to:
register your new account (as described in "Managing Multiple Heroku Accounts"):
(2013, heroku accounts:add myNewAccount
Use heroku/heroku-accounts
with heroku plugins:install heroku-accounts
heroku accounts:add myNewAccount
followed by Heroku credentials (Email, password)
Make sure your ~/.ssh/config
file has an 'myNewAccount
' entry
Host heroku.myNewAccount
HostName heroku.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_heroku_myNewAccount_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
And then change the remote 'origin' url:
git remote set-url origin git@heroku.myNewAccount:<appname>.git
Or, as Ian Vaughan comments below
is normallyheroku
when using the 'heroku-toolbelt':
git remote set-url heroku git@heroku.myNewAccount:<appname>.git
That last step will make sure the git push
will use your new account, and not the old one.
See more at "Multiple heroku accounts".
If you add "User git" in your config file, you can remove the credential user name 'git
Host heroku.myNewAccount
User git
HostName heroku.com
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_heroku_myNewAccount_rsa
IdentitiesOnly yes
That means you can use:
git remote set-url origin heroku.myNewAccount:<appname>.git
# or
git remote set-url heroku heroku.myNewAccount:<appname>.git