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Python itertools permutations narrowing down results by indices comparison, not working as expected

Somewhat python newb here trying to figure out why my code is not giving the expected result. First the code:

from itertools import permutations

word_list = ['eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes']
grammar_list = ['NOUN', ',', 'NOUN', ',', 'NOUN', ',', 'NOUN', 'AND', 'NOUN']

def permute_nouns():
    permuted_list = []
    comma_AND_indices = [index for index, p in enumerate(grammar_list) if p == "," or p == "AND"]
    # so 'comma_AND_indices' = [1, 3, 5, 7]

    for perm in permutations(word_list):
        observed_comma_AND_indices = [index for index, p in enumerate(perm) if p == "," or p == "and"]
        if comma_AND_indices == observed_comma_AND_indices:
            # what goes wrong here? not matches from list compare above still get appended below.

    print permuted_list


In this function I am using the itertools permutations method to create permutations of the word_list. However, I do not want all permutations. I only want the permutations where the commas and the word 'and' maintain their original position/indices in the word_list, and to append these to the permuted_list.

I am using the code line if comma_AND_indices == observed_comma_AND_indices: to filter out the those permutations I do not want, but it is not working and I do not understand why. On printing out the permuted_list I find that the commas and the 'and' are not preserved, but all permutations are appended.

(You may be wondering why bother with using the grammar_list in the function, but the code here is part of a slightly bigger script in which the grammar_list plays its role)

Any help to put light on this appreciated.


EDIT: Here is a sample of what is printing out for me:

[('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'chicken'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'bacon'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'bacon'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'bacon'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'bacon'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes', ',', 'cheese'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'bacon', 'and', 'tomatoes'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', ',', 'tomatoes', 'and', 'bacon'), ('eggs', ',', 'chicken', ',', 'cheese', 'and', 'bacon', ',', 'tomatoes'), 


  • Your code works just fine, albeit you could generate the same list faster an more concisely with a product() of the permutations of [','] + 3 + ['and'] and [w for w in word_list if w not in (',', 'and')] here, producing the same 120 * 24 = 2880 combinations.

    If you were expecting only 120 results, then you are forgetting that you are not testing the order of the 3 commas and the word 'and' in your output; there are 24 different permutations of that list allowed:

    >>> len(list(permutations([','] * 3 + ['and'])))

    In other words, for any given permutation of just the nouns you are producing 24 variations of the sentence with the 3 commas and the word and in different locations.

    To produce just the 120 combinations of the nouns:

    nouns = [w for w in word_list if w not in (',', 'and')]
    grammar = [w for w in word_list if w in (',', 'and')]
    result = []
    for perm in permutations(nouns):
        result.append([w for word, g in map(None, perm, grammar) for w in (word, g) if w is not None])