How would I use the subprocess module in Python to start a command line instance of MAPLE to feed and return output to the main code? For example I'd like:
X = '1+1;'
print MAPLE(X)
To return the value of "2".
The best I've seen is a SAGE wrapper around the MAPLE commands, but I'd like to not install and use the overhead of SAGE for my purposes.
Using the tip from Alex Martelli (thank you!), I've came up with an explicit answer to my question. Posting here in hopes that others may find useful:
import pexpect
MW = "/usr/local/maple12/bin/maple -tu"
X = '1+1;'
child = pexpect.spawn(MW)
out = child.before
out = out[out.find(';')+1:].strip()
out = ''.join(out.split('\r\n'))
print out
The parsing of the output is needed as MAPLE deems it necessary to break up long outputs onto many lines. This approach has the advantage of keeping a connection open to MAPLE for future computation.