I'm playing with Thread and I discovered that I cannot run 10000 threads.
It gives me the following error:
threading.rb:23:in `initialize': can't create Thread (35) (ThreadError)
from threading.rb:23:in `new'
from threading.rb:23:in `block in <main>'
from threading.rb:22:in `times'
from threading.rb:22:in `<main>'
Then I tried to see what's the maximum number and when I make up to 2046 threads, Ruby will run the code.
Why 2046? It appears to follow a pattern of memory like 512, 1024, 2046...
The threading.rb code:
threads = []
counter = 1000
ARGV.each do |a|
counter = a.to_i
lines = 0
counter.times do |i|
puts "This is index number #{i}."
puts "You've just seen the normal printing and serial programming.\n\n"
counter.times do |i|
Thread.new do
some_number = Random.rand(counter)
sleep 1
puts "I'm thread number #{i}. My random number is #{some_number}.\n"
lines += 1
messaged = false
while lines < counter
puts "\nWaiting to finish.\n" unless messaged
print '.'
puts "\n" if lines == counter
messaged = true
puts "\nI've printed #{lines} lines.\n"
puts "This is end of the program."
OS X limits the number of threads a process can spawn to 2046. This applies to Ruby as well.
Source & full explanation: "How many threads is too many?"
On OSX, there's a hard limit on the number of threads that one process can spawn. On recent versions, that limit is somewhere around 2000 threads.
If I run this same bit of code on a Linux machine, I'm able to spawn 10,000 threads without blinking. So, it's possible to spawn a lot of threads, but you probably don't want to.
Here's a test program you can run to see the limit.
1.upto(10_000) do |i|
Thread.new { sleep }
puts i