I am trying to create a minimum spanning tree using prim's algorithm and I have a major question about the actual heap. I structured my graphs adjacency list to be a vector of vertexes, and each vertex has a vector of edges. The edges contain a weight, a connecting vertex, and a key. I am not sure whether my heap should be a heap of vertexes or edges. If I make it a heap of vertexes then there is no way to determine whether the weights are going from the same parent and destination vertexes, which makes me think that I should be making a heap for each vertexes list of edges. So my final question is should I be creating a heap of edges, or a heap of vertexes? If its a list of edges, should I be using the weight on the edges as the key, or should I have a separate data member called key that I can actually use for the priority queue? Thanks!
You should make a minHeap of edges since you are going to sort edges by their weight but the edges should contain two vertexes: representing one vertex on each end. Otherwise, as you suggested: there is no way to determine whether the weights are going from the same parent and destination vertexes. Therefore you should re-structure your edge class and make a minHeap of them.
Consider the algorithm from Wiki as well.
Initialize a tree with a single vertex, chosen arbitrarily from the graph.
Grow the tree by one edge: Of the edges that connect the tree to vertices not yet in the tree, find the minimum-weight edge, and transfer it to the tree.
Repeat step 2 (until all vertices are in the tree).
I don't fully understand the key field in the edge class. I assume it's like an Id to the edge. So you should make a heap of them but since you are providing user-defined data structure to the heap, you should also provide a comparison function for the edge class, i.e. define the bool operator<(const Edge&)