rsync -av --delete --filter=':- .gitignore' \mysite\ezpublish_git\
rsync -av --delete --filter=':- .gitignore' /mysite/ezpublish_git/
rsync -av --delete --filter=':- .gitignore' \mysite\ezpublish_git/
I need to dump the contents of: c:/mysite/ezpublish_git/ into a virtual machine with host entry The ssh keys are set up for the rsync to run without a password prompt.
The rsync command runs but then it creates a new directory within the destination "trunk" named "ezpublish_git".
This works perfectly on a mac, and the contents are copying over and not the directory.
I am aware that the trailing slash is meant to determine if rsync should copy the directory or the contents and have tried both, but both end in the same result: the target directory being copied into the destination.
Does anyone have an idea what i might be doing wrong?
Thanks, John
So someone more skilled than I pointed out the answer.. simple. Add an *
to the end, solves the issue but yet to test on directories and files starting .
rsync -av --delete --filter=':- .gitignore' \mysite\ezpublish_git\*