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Adding 2 values to parameter when databinding using DataList in ASP.NET

I have the code

 <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" 
       DataKeyField="TextId" OnEditCommand="DataList1_EditCommand"
         <asp:TextBox Runat="server" ID="TheNotes"
             Text='<%# Bind("notes") %>' />

What i want to do is bind 2 variables to one control

  <asp:TextBox Runat="server" ID="TheNotes"
     Text='<%# Bind("notes") Bind("dates")  %>' />

Anyone know how to do this ? without it erroring, they are both in the control datasource


  • You can do it by using the below 3 solutions

    Solution 1 :

    <asp:TextBox Runat="server" ID="TheNotes"
         Text='<%# Bind("notes") + Bind("dates")  %>' />

    Solution 2 :

    You can do one more things, u can select two column as a single column in sql select query.

    SELECT (ColumnA + ColumnB) AS ColumnZ
    FROM Table;

    and then bind it with single control

    Solution 3:

    bind multiple data to itemtemplate in gridview using Row data bound


    using string format