I needed to play multiple sounds simultaneously, so I tried to initialize the FMOD::System
with many channels, but after playing some files it does nothing. When I sleep 1 second, the sound stops with count
about 35, with sleep 0.1 second the last count
is about 100.
int count = 1;
FMOD::System *system = NULL;
system->init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0);
FMOD::Sound *sound = NULL;
system->createSound("test.wav", FMOD_DEFAULT, FMOD_DEFAULT ,&sound);
FMOD::Channel *channel = NULL;
FMOD_RESULT result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound, false, &channel);
cout << "count: " << count << ", " << result;
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = 1;
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
When I also write this part into the while loop I also recognized, that the pointer to the FMOD::System
changes at the very beginning and remains the same after some seconds.
FMOD::System *system = NULL;
system->init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0);
What have I done wrong? It even doesn't use the 100 channels! What can I do to play many sounds synchronously?
The problem was, that I forgot to system->update()
The code code should look like this:
int count = 1;
FMOD::System *system = NULL;
system->init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0);
FMOD::Sound *sound = NULL;
system->createSound("test.wav", FMOD_DEFAULT, FMOD_DEFAULT ,&sound);
FMOD::Channel *channel = NULL;
FMOD_RESULT result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound, false, &channel);
system->update(); // very important!!!
cout << "count: " << count << ", " << result;
struct timespec ts;
ts.tv_sec = 1;
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);