I have a php data migration script that serializes
an array of text. Somehow, and this is not in my codebase, but the script is inserting \\\\\\\r\\\\\\\n into the string. Here is an example of what the output is like:
Product Line: [56313] LEGO Batman Screenshot\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\\n[5 6384] LEGO Batman Screenshot[56446] LEGO Batman Screenshot[56460] LEGO Batman: T
There are no line breaks in between the different products (as you can see, there are two products being shown there - that's two iterations). When the second product gets appended to the first, the \\\\\\r\\\\\\n gets prepended. This question is fairly difficult to explain, and I don't really think that any code will help explain it. What is this and how do I get rid of it? I'm on a windows platform.
You can call trim(), http://us.php.net/trim