In python, how would I go about making a http request but not waiting for a response. I don't care about getting any data back, I just need to server to register a page request.
Right now I use this code:
urllib2.urlopen("COOL WEBSITE")
But obviously this pauses the script until a a response is returned, I just want to fire off a request and move on.
How would I do this?
What you want here is called Threading or Asynchronous.
in a threading.Thread()
from threading import Thread
def open_website(url):
return urllib2.urlopen(url)
Thread(target=open_website, args=[""]).start()
Use the requests library which has this support.
from requests import async
There is also a 3rd option using the restclient library which has builtin (has for some time) Asynchronous support:
from restclient import GET
res = GET("", async=True, resp=True)