I wrote a curses code:
import curses
import time
message = raw_input('Enter a word or phrase: ')
q, vertical, horizontal = -1, 1, 1
y, x = 0, 0
screen = curses.initscr()
dims = screen.getmaxyx()
while q < 0:
q = screen.getch()
screen.addstr(y, x, message)
y += vertical
x += horizontal
if y == dims[0]-1:
vertical = -1
elif y == 0:
vertical = 1
if x == dims[1]-len(message)-1:
horizontal = 1
elif x == 0:
horizontal = 1
When I run it it works fine until it reaches the right side of the screen, when it glitches. I'm fairly new to curses, so I might of missed something. What is the codes problem?
You're going to hate yourself for this :), you just forgot the negative when switching x directions. It's still trying to move right and attempting to draw offscreen, thus the error.
if x == dims[1] - len(message) - 1:
horizontal = -1