I am currently working on dynamic temporal network.
Header: Time Sender Receiver
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 2 1
2 2 1
3 1 2
3 1 2
The above is a sample of my dataset. There are 3 time periods (sessions) and the edgelists between nodes. I want to compute centrality measures by each time period. I am thinking about writing a script that compute centrality measures within the same period of the time. However I am just wondering whether there might be R libraries that can handle this problem.
Is there anyone who knows about?
I tried to write the code for subsetting data based on Time as follows:
uniq <-unique(unlist(df$Time))
[1] 1 2 3
for (i in 1:length(uniq)){
t[i]<-subset(df, Time==uniq[i])
net[i] <-as.matrix(t[i])
netT[i]<-net[i][,-3] #removing time column
#### getting edgelist
g [i]=graph.edgelist(netT [i], directed=T)
however, I've got a error message ( Error in t[i] <- subset(df, Time == uniq[i]) : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable) Do you know why? I am kind of new to R so it is hard to figure it out. I guess t[i] is the problem. I don't know how to assign t[i] as a data frame.
The networkDynamic R library is helpful for this sort of thing (disclaimer: I'm a package maintainer)
# a data frame with your input data
# add another time column to define a start and end time for each edge spell
# create a networkDynamic object using this edge timing info
# load the sna library with static network measures
# apply degree measure to static networks extracted at default time points
[1] 2 1 1
[1] 1 1 0
[1] 1 1 0