I'm using teamcity 8.x.x version.I configured my Teamcity for continuous deployment. I'm need a feature branching deployment. I see this document "http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD8/Working+with+Feature+Branches".
I'm trying this document implementing on my Teamcity. I have a problem.
My deployment config use "OctoPack" (nuget). My nuget package needs build count and branch name. example:
I'm try this versioning,
%build.number%-%teamcity.build.vcs.branch.VCS_ROOT_ID% ---->
this version not support nuget versioning. nuget not comparative "/".
I need this,
%build.number%-%teamcity.build.vcs.SHORT_BRANCH_NAME.VCS_ROOT_ID% --->
how can I?
I believe what you need is another variable. Try using %vcsroot.branch%. There is also %teamcity.build.branch%, but that one will contain "<default>" on the default branch. If you want more flexibility to choose exactly which part of the branch name gets selected, you can follow the instructions on this page: