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Woothemes social/connect buttons

I need to insert only the social / connect buttons which are contained in the woo_subscribe_connect function in a different place in my theme (before the content).

I have worked out that to include this function I can do this:

add_action( 'woo_content_before', 'my_woo_subscribe_connect_hook' );

function my_woo_subscribe_connect_hook() { ?>
    <div class="col-full" align="right"> <?php woo_subscribe_connect(); ?></div>
<?php }  

However, this shows both the social connect buttons AND the subscribe form, plus latest blog posts. I need a simple function that just displays the social buttons.

Can anyone help? Thanks!


  • Not sure which Wootheme you are using, but there are settings in the theme options that will allow you to disable related posts as well as a newsletter sign up and contact form.