Search code examples

invalid according to policy policy condition failed starts-with $content-type ""

I am trying to upload photo using fineuploader 3.8.2 on Sony Xperia Tipo or HTC Evo 3d with android 4.0 and facing a strange issue. While uploading through camera works, uploading through gallery is not working and giving me invalid according to policy policy condition failed starts-with $content-type "" error

        request: {
            endpoint: "",
            accessKey: "MYACCESSKEY"

        signature: {
            endpoint: "myendpoint",

        objectProperties: {
            acl: 'public-read',
            key: =>
                uploaded_image_key = qq.getUniqueId()
                return "#{uploaded_image_key}.png"

        iframeSupport: {
            localBlankPagePath: "/myiframe.html"

        text: {
            uploadButton: '<div><i class="icon-upload"></i>&nbsp;Upload Image</div>'

            endpoint: null

        template: 'mytemplate',

        camera: {
            ios: true

        multiple: false,

        retry: {
            showButton: true

        validation: {
            allowedExtensions: ["gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png"],
            acceptFiles: "image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png"

        chunking: {
            enabled: true

        resume: {
            enabled: true
    }).on('complete', (event, id, fileName, responseJSON) =>
            if responseJSON.success
                $(@el).find('#thumb_pics').append("<img class='thumb' src ='{uploaded_image_key}.png' title = '#{fileName}' />")
                $('#submit_feedpost').prop('disabled', false)
        ).on('error', (event, id, fileName, errorReason, xhr) =>
            $('#submit_feedpost').prop('disabled', false)

My policy is like this -

"expiration": "myexpirationdate",
    {"bucket": "mybucket"},
    ["starts-with", "$key" , ""],
    {"acl": "public-read"},
    {"success_action_status": "200"}, 
    ["starts-with", "$Content-Type", ""],
    ["starts-with", "$x-amz-meta-qqfilename", ""]

My CORS is like this -



  • Sorry to trouble you. I find out the issue. I was using my own policy to sign it rather than signing the policy sent in the post request to my endpoint by fineuploader library. Anyways thanks a lot