I created a basic DevExpress PhoneJS v13.2.5 app using the slideout navigation type. I can switch between views nicely using the slideout menu (URL hash changes). However, the back button doesn't seem to work. I expect that when I hit the back button, I would be taken to the previous view based on the URL hash. However, I am instead taken to the previous page. So, for example, if my history is as follows:
www.google.com localhost:4633 localhost:4633/#home localhost:4633/#foo localhost:4633/#bar
And I hit the back button (doesn't matter if I'm using Chrome, Android, etc), I would expect to be taken back to localhost:4633/#foo. However, I am taken back to www.google.com. Sometimes, before I am taken to the previous page, I briefly see the URL change to localhost:4633/#root.
Has this happened to anyone else? Am I missing something in my app configuration? From everything I've read in the documentation, it should "just work." Here is my app init:
"use strict";
var MyApp = window.MyApp = {};
$(function () {
MyApp.app = new DevExpress.framework.html.HtmlApplication({
namespace: MyApp,
navigationType: "slideout",
navigation: [
title: "Home",
action: "#home",
icon: "home"
title: "Foo",
action: "#foo",
icon: "info"
title: "Bar",
action: "#bar",
icon: "info"
MyApp.app.router.register(":view", { view: "home" });
The Back button is available in each view in a stack except for the root view. If you create a link with MyApp.app.navigate('Foo')
in your Home view, click on that link and go to the "Foo" page, then you can back in the Home page by pressing back button. Please see:
Navigation History For further detailed informations.