I would like to have service providing a resource as in the following code:
angular.module('myApp.userService', ['ngResource'])
.factory('UserService', function ($resource)
var user = $resource('/api/user', {},
connect: { method: 'POST', params: {}, isArray:false }
return user;
Then when using the connect
action, I would like to dynamically pass a HTTP header, meaning that it may change for each call. Here is an example, in the controller, please see the comment in the code :
$scope.user = UserService;
$scope.connect = function ( user )
var hash = 'Basic ' + Base64Service.encode(user.login + ':' + user.password);
// I would like this header to be computed
// and used by the user resource
// each time I call this function
$scope.user.headers = [{Authorization: hash}];
$scope.user.connect( {},
// successful login
console.log('There was an error, please try again');
Do you know a way to do that, either directly or via a trick?
Accepted answer does not fully answer the question as the headers are not totally dynamic because the factory returns actually a factory (!) which is not the case in my code.
As $resource is a factory, there is no way to make it dynamic.
I finally destroy the resource object each time the user connects. This way, I have the resource with a header computed when the user connects.
The solution provided by @Stewie is useful for that, so I keep it as accepted.
Here is how I did the connect, which can be used multiple times as the resource is destroyed/recreated when (re)connecting:
this.connect = function (user)
self.hash = 'Basic ' + Base64Service.encode(user.login + ':' + user.password);
console.log("CONNECT login:" + user.login + " - pwd:" + user.password + " - hash:" + self.hash);
if (self.userResource)
delete self.userResource;
self.userResource = $resource('/api/user/login', {}, {
connect: {
method: 'POST',
params: {},
isArray: false,
headers: { Authorization: self.hash }
var deferred = $q.defer();
function (data)
//console.log('--------- user logged in ----- ' + JSON.stringify(data));
// successful login
if (!!self.user)
angular.copy(data, self.user);
self.user = data;
storage.set('user', self);
function (error)
self.user = {};
self.isLogged = false;
storage.set('user', self);
return deferred.promise;
Starting from angularjs v1.1.1 and ngResource v.1.1.1 this is possible to accomplish using the headers
property of the $resource
action object.
You may wrap your resource in a function which accepts custom headers as a parameter and returns a $resource
object with your custom headers set at the appropriate action definitions:
var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ngResource']);
function($scope, UserService) {
$scope.user = {login: 'doe@example.com', password: '123'};
$scope.connect = function() {
// dropping out base64 encoding here, for simplicity
var hash = 'Basic ' + $scope.user.login + ':' + $scope.user.password;
$scope.user.headers = [{Authorization: hash}];
UserService({Authorization: hash}).connect(
function () {
function () {
console.log('There was an error, please try again');
app.factory('UserService', function ($resource) {
return function(customHeaders){
return $resource('/api/user', {}, {
connect: {
method: 'POST',
params: {},
isArray: false,
headers: customHeaders || {}