Say, I set an entry on the Apigee through PopulateCache policy, with an expiration of 3600 seconds, with a key. When I perform a LookUp of the cache with a key, does it refresh the expiry time for the individual entry, or does it still stick to the original duration.
Ex: An Entry is cached for 3000 seconds and now I perform a LookUp. Does it get reset to 3600 seconds again, or does it stay at 3000 seconds only?
Accessing a cached value using a LookupCache
policy will not refresh its expiry TTL.
If it looks like this is happening, you should ensure the PopulateCache
policy has an appropriate condition. It sounds like you could be setting ("populating") the same value to the cache on every request and therefore never allowing it to expire.
<Condition> == "false"</Condition>
ie. only populate the cache if the cache lookup missed