I'm using a labeled graph
typedef boost::labeled_graph<boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::undirectedS, Room, RoomEdge>,std::string> MyGraph;
struct LineSegment{
LineSegment(QPointF startPos_, QPointF endPos_): startPos(startPos_), endPos(endPos_) { portalToRoom="";}
QPointF startPos;
QPointF endPos;
QGraphicsLineItem* sceneItem;
std::string type;
std::string portalToRoom;
struct Room{
Room(){centroid.setX(-1); centroid.setY(-1);}
std::string category;
std::string vertex_id;
std::vector<LineSegment> roomLayout;
QPointF centroid;
QGraphicsRectItem* centroidSceneItem;
struct RoomEdge{
std::string edge_id;
which lets me access vertices with string ids.
I add a vertex and set it's relevant fields this way:
MyVertex u = boost::add_vertex(id, g);
g[id].category = category; //crashes here
g[id].vertex_id = id;
And remove them like so:
// First we remove all edges from this vertex
if (QString(g.graph()[v].vertex_id.c_str()).compare(roomIdToBeRemoved) == 0){
ve = v;
BGL_FORALL_OUTEDGES(v, e, g, MyGraph) {
foreach(MyEdge e, ev){
// Then we remove the vertex itself
This so far seems to work. The trouble is, if I want to add a removed vertex once again with the same id, I get the following:
while setting the fields of the newly added vertex (above commented "crashes here").
What might be the reason? I'm using boost functions for removing/adding things.
The crash is a result of a bug in the implementation of boost::labeled_graph
. It's present both in Boost 1.54.0 and 1.55.0 (latest release). I reported it via Boost's Trac.
I managed to write a simple test case that reveals the problem. Running it through valgrind
proves that the issue exists. I also created a simple patch that fixes the problem for my setting of boost::adjacency_list
(see the bug report for all these files).