Today I am come across a problem in Drawing out Graph in Android Pro-grammatically. I am Using Achartengine graph library for achieving this , I have done with simple pie chart , But I have no clue how to make Concentric pie chart using this .
Here is a demo Image of graph which I want to make.
Thanx for help in advance :)
Here is the example, first create a LinearLayout
in your view(xml)
and get it in your activity
to pass it SingleDonutGraph
class to draw a donut graph
on this layout.You also have to pass graphValues[]
as double array(the value you have to set on donut graph).
LayoutToDisplayChartLeftGraph = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
Intent achartIntentLeft = new SingleDonutGraph().execute(TabletPunchCountActivity.this, LayoutToDisplayChartLeftGraph,graphValues);
Then use this class
public class SingleDonutGraph {
private GraphicalView mChartView2;
static int count = 3;
int[] Mycolors = new int[] { Color.parseColor("#F2846B"),
Color.parseColor("#A01115"), Color.parseColor("#741E1E") };
String[] labels = { "TODAY", "AVERAGE", "TOTAL" };
public Intent execute(Context context, LinearLayout parent,double values[]) {
int[] colors = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
colors[i] = Mycolors[i];
DefaultRenderer renderer = buildCategoryRenderer(colors);
renderer.setPanEnabled(false);// Disable User Interaction
renderer.setScale((float) 1.4);
renderer.setInScroll(true); //To avoid scroll Shrink
MultipleCategorySeries categorySeries = new MultipleCategorySeries(
"Punch Graph");
categorySeries.add(labels, values);
mChartView2 = ChartFactory.getDoughnutChartView(context,
categorySeries, renderer);
return ChartFactory.getDoughnutChartIntent(context, categorySeries,
renderer, null);
protected DefaultRenderer buildCategoryRenderer(int[] colors) {
DefaultRenderer renderer = new DefaultRenderer();
for (int color : colors) {
SimpleSeriesRenderer r = new SimpleSeriesRenderer();
return renderer;