I'm trying to get the user agent from my iphone application. It is not webview from the ios application.
agent = UserAgent.parse(request.user_agent)
if agent.mobile?
if agent.os.present?
if agent.browser.present?
#the result fall on here which give me the application name of the IOS app
So, how m I able to detect it in another way or customize the user agent from ios native app?
Besides, I think I found maybe it is bubblewrap issue When I do
the useragent I get was
App Name/0.2 CFNEetwork/609.1.4 Darwin 13.0.0
Can I customize the APP NAME into other form?
If you're using bubblewrap in your RubyMotion app, you can pass along a headers hash in the options in the request, and set the user agent there.
BW::HTTP.get('http://example.com/api-endpoint', headers: { 'User-Agent' => 'SomeRandomUserAgentString' })
That should do it.