I've created an app that has been in the android marketplace for a few months now. I'm trying to create a complimentary app that will be used inside the first app. I need the second app to be optional, and not necessary for the first app to work properly. I'm hoping to call the main activity from the second app within a Tab Host tab on the first app.
My questions are: how do I run an activity from a secondary app with a different package? Is it possible to have the activity be in a tab host?
I'd be happy to post code, but my code seems to be nowhere close to what I'm trying to get. I don't think I can adjust the build path of the primary app, because the secondary app can't be required. Also, Since the app has been in the marketplace for a while, I can't use SharedUserIds.
Thanks for all help. TJ
It is not possible to do it to run any arbitrary activity in your app.
I have done this before, with activity group, which has been already deprecated. And there are also limitations to use this approach:
If you met either condition list above, you can start the child activity and get its window root view, and add into your layout.