I'm facing problem in file upload in webview in Kitkat(4.4). As per https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=62220 it can't be done in 4.4 due to missing method in new version of webview.
Hence searched and found GeckoView(https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/GeckoView) as alternative for webview. I followed all steps specified at https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/GeckoView, still project is not running in emulator as well as android device.
I tried downloading and importing sample project Geckobrowser in https://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/GeckoView, but it gives compile time error for getCurrentBrowser() method.
I'm using Windows OS. Can anyone please guide me through, not able to know what i'm missing. I'll really great-full for any lead in correct direction.
You must check cpu abi version, and change geckoview_library and geckoview_asset to match the abi.
From the link, you can download several kinds of geckoview library.
This is a sample.
[DIR] latest-mozilla-central-android-armv6/ 12-Dec-2013 11:50 -
[DIR] latest-mozilla-central-android-r7/ 12-Dec-2013 11:56 -
[DIR] latest-mozilla-central-android-x86/ 12-Dec-2013 11:56 -
[DIR] latest-mozilla-central-android/ 12-Dec-2013 11:56 -
In each folder, download geckoview_library and geckoview_asset.