Disclaimer: I'm not a Notes admin, I just wrote the application :), and I try to help our client to use it.
We provide a simple database with one agent to accept and process HTTP POST messages from Internet.
The Domino server where this database is going to be installed is configured for Single SignOn authentication for web access.
Is there a way so set only our database to use different type of authentication - i.e. Basic Authentication, so we can hit it like this to POST messages to the agent:
I thought about another approach as well - to remove any form of auth, and pass the credentials in the POSTed data itself. Then the agent will take care to process or not the data, base on if the creds are OK. But this most probably will require some form of "impersonation" - I.e. to map somehow the anonymous user to the one, which has the rights to execute the agent. So, I valid answer to this question may be an advise how to set this up.
Additionally - we are looking at the web service approach (available in Domino 7.0+), but it will require changes on both sides - the sender (our publisher service) and the receiving agent. And most probably will lead back to the original question about how to authenticate the sender.
Any advice in that regard (even changing the approach) will be highly appreciated.
Since Domino 7.0.2 there is a new kind of website rule entitled "Override Session Authentication" that allows you to specify, for a specific URL pattern (ex : /folder/myapp.nsf/myagent?*) to use BASIC auth even if the whole server is configured for session-based auth.
This was initially introduced for RSS readers (that cannot handle sessions).
More information here : http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.help.domino.admin.doc/DOC/H_OVERRIDING_SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_8847_STEPS.html