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Running a PHPUnit Test yields "Class Not Found" Error

This is a question on PHP Unit Test giving me a Class Not Found Error.


I am using Zend Studio 10.5 to develop a Zend Framework 2 application. I have a few modules loaded, including ZfcUser and BjyAuthorize

FedcoUser is the module that has a Controller Guard that uses guard rules of BjyAuthorize:

namespace FedcoUser\Controller;

use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
use ZfcUser\Controller\UserController as ZfcUserController;

class MachinistController extends ZfcUserController
    public function indexAction()
        if (!$this->zfcUserAuthentication()->hasIdentity()) {
            return $this->redirect()->toRoute($this->getOptions()->getLoginRedirectRoute());

        return new ViewModel();

Using Zend Studio 10.5 native menus, I have created a test case for the controller above. When I run it I get the following error:

Debug Error: FedcoUser/Controller/MachinistController.php line 8 - Class 'ZfcUser\Controller\UserController' not found

My assumption is that somehow, autoloader for PHPUnit cannot figure out where the class is being placed, because the class it cannot find is located at


I am not yet familiar with how PHPUnit works to be able to fix this error. Does PHPUnit even have an autoloader? There are files called bootstrap.php, phpunit.xml, and TestConfiguration.php in my module's /test/ folder, if that helps. I tried to randomly add various modules and paths to TestConfiguration.php file as below but it did not help:

 $additionalModulePaths = array(
     'ZfcUser' => realpath('vendor/zf-commons/zfc-user/src/ZfcUser/Controller/UserController.php'),

Can you help?


  • I ended up loading additional namespaces into my config inside my TestConfiguration.php file:

    $additionalNamespaces = array(
        'ZfcUser\Controller' => __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/zf-commons/zfc-user/src/ZfcUser/Controller/'

    that fit in nicely into my bootstrap.php, which had the following code:

    // setup autoloader
            'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
                StandardAutoloader::AUTOREGISTER_ZF => true,
                StandardAutoloader::ACT_AS_FALLBACK => false,
                StandardAutoloader::LOAD_NS => $additionalNamespaces,