I'm kinda newbie to all this c++ stuff, so this probably is a beginner's problem:
#ifndef _LISTSCREEN_H_
#define _LISTSCREEN_H_
#include "MAUI/Screen.h"
namespace CoolPlaces {
namespace Views {
using namespace MAUI;
class ListScreen : public Screen {
void keyPressEvent(int keyCode, int nativeCode) {}
void keyReleaseEvent(int keyCode, int nativeCode) {}
void pointerPressEvent(MAPoint2d point) {}
void pointerReleaseEvent(MAPoint2d point) {}
void pointerMoveEvent(MAPoint2d point) {}
void show();
#endif //_LISTSCREEN_H_
#include "MAUI/Screen.h"
#include "ListScreen.h"
using namespace MAUI;
using namespace CoolPlaces::Views;
void ListScreen::show() {
I'm getting this error: D:\MosyncProjects\Views\ListScreen.cpp:22: Error: Unresolved symbol '__ZN4MAUI6Screen4showEv' line 22
in this Screen::show();
call (for purpose of this topic I removed some code). So what exactly am I doing wrong here?
You're including the header file, which tells that the function Screen::show()
exists, but probably not linking the library, which has the implementation.
See this page: http://www.mosync.com/docs/sdk/cpp/guides/libs/working-with-mosync-libraries/index.html
As well as referencing the header files in your application code, you also need to specify the actual libraries that you want to use in the project's Build Settings (Project > Properties > MoSync Project > Build Settings):
It looks like maui.lib should contain the screen code.