I have this mysql query that I am trying to analyze. It is very slow, the visitor table here is about 50K entries, this query never returns. When I tried an explain statement, I found out that the index is not being used on the visitor table, In spite of the index being available. Now this is the great puzzle I need help solving. Any hints appreciated.
select distinct
visitor0_.ID as ID130_,
case when visitor0_1_.id is not null then 1 when
visitor0_.ID is not null then 0
end as clazz_
from Visitor visitor0_
left outer join Operator visitor0_1_ on visitor0_.ID=visitor0_1_.id
where (visitor0_.ID not in
(select operator1_.id
from Operator operator1_
inner join Visitor operator1_1_ on operator1_.id=operator1_1_.ID))
and (exists
(select visitorpro2_.ID
from VisitorProfileField visitorpro2_, ProfileField profilefie3_
where visitorpro2_.profileFieldID=profilefie3_.ID
and visitorpro2_.visitorID=visitor0_.ID
and profilefie3_.name='subscription86'
and visitorpro2_.numberVal=1
and visitorpro2_.stringVal='Manual'))
Explain output screen shot: http://grab.by/grabs/9c3a629a25fc4e9ec0fa54355d4a092c.png
From what I infer of your query, the following should produce the same result, with no subqueries and a lot faster performance.
select v.ID as ID130_, 0 as clazz_
from Visitor v
left outer join (VisitorProfileField vpf join ProfileField pf
on vpf.profileFieldID = pf.ID)
on v.ID = vpf.visitorID and pf.name='subscription86'
and vpf.numberVal=1 and vpf.stringVal='Manual'
left outer join Operator o on v.ID = o.ID
where o.ID IS NULL;
Please explain if I got some of it wrong. It appears that your NOT IN
predicate excludes any Visitor
id's that match any id's in Operator
. That is, the subquery generates a list of all id's that are in both tables, so the NOT IN
condition is equivalent to an outer join to Operator
and a simple test where o.ID IS NULL
This means the CASE
expression in your select-list is meaningless, since it will certainly be 0 if your conditions match only Visitor
rows that don't match any rows in Operator
I think something is seriously confused in your query.
Also, it appears that you're using the EAV antipattern in the VisitorProfileField
and ProfileField
tables. This is going to cause you a lot of trouble.