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Is it sane to use core.async channels to consume http-kit's post results in clojure?

I am new to clojure and am writing a library that sends post results to a server for a response. I consume the response by placing it onto a core.async channel. Is this sane or is there a better way?

Here is a high level overview of what I am doing:

(defn my-post-request [channel options]
  (client/post options
          (fn [{:keys [status headers body error]}] ;; asynchronous handle response
              (go (>! channel body)))))

(defn request-caller [options]
  (let [channel (chan)]
    (my-post-request channel options)
    (json/parse-string (<!! (go (<! channel))))))

Here is the actual code that I am using:

It works, but I have had a hard time verifying if it is the right way to go about this.


  • core.async is powerful, but it really shines when it comes to coordinating more complex asynchronicity. If you always want to block on the response, I'd recommend using a promise instead since it's a little simpler:

    (defn my-post-request [result options]
      (client/post options
              (fn [{:keys [status headers body error]}] ;; asynchronous handle response
                  (deliver result body))))
    (defn request-caller [options]
      (let [result (promise)]
        (my-post-request result options)
        ; blocks, waiting for the promise to be delivered
        (json/parse-string @result)))

    If you do want to work with channels, the code can be cleaned up a bit. Importantly, you don't need to wrap everything in a go block; go is amazing for coordinating asynchronicity, but ultimately, a channel's a channel:

    (defn my-post-request [channel options]
      (client/post options
              (fn [{:keys [status headers body error]}] ;; asynchronous handle response
                  (put! channel body))))
    (defn request-caller [options]
      (let [channel (chan)]
        (my-post-request channel options)
        (json/parse-string (<!! channel))))