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iPad run with black screen in Jenkins

i configured out jenkins in way that it was launched under my account but when i build a project for my unit tests with KIF framework, Jenkins launches iPad simulator with black screen and nothing happens (jenkins also doesn't provide any useful information).

Can anyone advice to solution of this issue?

Please note that everything works just fine from command line.

Finally, i've found the solution need to use iPad Retina or iPad Retina (64-bit):

-destination OS=7.0,name=iPad Retina

So, the last supposed suggestion doesn't work either - need another solution.


  • The issue was in Jenkins and it was solved in the following way:

    1. Stop the jenkins daemon via command:

      sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
    2. Start Jenkins as process via command:

      sudo nohup java -jar /Applications/Jenkins/jenkins.war --httpPort=8080 --ajp13Port=8010

    And it works perfectly!

    But there is a pitfall, after launching Jenkins under your user, all jobs disappear and you need to create it once again.