1) Our Android app will store data in a built-in SQLite DB.
I see the DB can throw android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException, but there's no exact info in API what is the limit.
Could anyone tell what are the size limits for a DB in order not to get into the SQLiteFullException?
I assume DB will store data in device's internal storage (versus SDCard). Am I right? Given SQLite DB is just a file, probably the DB size is limited with free internal storage space. Again - Am I right? If yes, then what is the internal storage size on Android? How to detect it? Does it vary on a device model basis or OS version basis?
2) We'll also need to save app settings. I think SharedPreferences will fit nicely. However the question is - are SharedPreferences saved to the internal storage too? If yes, then is it the same storage where the DB stores its file?
Thanks in advance!
I assume DB will store data in device's internal storage (versus SDCard). Am I right?
By default, yes.
Given SQLite DB is just a file, probably the DB size is limited with free internal storage space. Again - Am I right?
That would be my guess.
Does it vary on a device model basis or OS version basis?
On a device model basis.
are SharedPreferences saved to the internal storage too?
If yes, then is it the same storage where the DB stores its file?