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Compass sprites and responsive images

I have created a sprite sheet using compass:

@import "roundedicons/*.png";
@include all-roundedicons-sprites;

Which is about 11 icons, works fine.

I also have this in a partial when I need to adjust classes with just a simple include: @include respond-to(phone) { width: 100% ;} for mobile, tablet and Desktop:

$break-desktop: 1024px;
$break-tablet: 720px;
$break-phone: 320px;

@mixin respond-to($media) {
  @if $media == phone {
    @media only screen and (max-width: $break-phone) { @content; }
  @else if $media == tablet {
    @media only screen and (min-width: $break-phone + 1) and (max-width: $break-desktop - 1) { @content; }
  @else if $media == desktop {
    @media only screen and (min-width: $break-desktop) { @content; }

The problem I am currently having is that there are 3 different sizes for icon images for each device (desktop, tablet, and mobile). Also I have to support IE8, so I can't scale a background image. I was curious what the best way to do this without using a bunch of jquery to add and remove classes. My first instinct was to have a separate sprite sheet for all devices, but then I would have to switch classes in jquery. Then maybe I can combine it all into one, but then I would still have to use jquery. Is there a better method in compass I can use?

Thank you


  • If I understand right, this code can help you.

    @import "compass";
    //generated sprite for every device
    $iconsSmall: sprite-map("icons/small/*.png");
    $iconsMedium: sprite-map("icons/medium/*.png");
    $iconsBig: sprite-map("icons/big/*.png");
    //common class for all icons
      @include respond-to(phone){
        background: $iconsSmall;
      @include respond-to(tablet){
        background: $iconsMedium;
      @include respond-to(desktop){
        background: $iconsBig;
    //for example icons name: close.png
      @include respond-to(phone){
        background-position: sprite-position($iconsSmall, close);
      @include respond-to(tablet){
        background-position: sprite-position($iconsMedium, close);
      @include respond-to(desktop){
        background-position: sprite-position($iconsBig, close);