I am creating game review database. I am new at this, but I am trying my best. Little bit about database: The system is simple, user fill out php form, where he is insert his name, email when choose feedback between is it good or bad and leave a comment/suggestion. I am adding photo how it looks visually, I am just sorry for external link, I can't upload here:Visual database
So here is my tables and the process how I went through normalization:
(I believe this is 1NF, correct me if I am wrong)
Table_review {
User ID
User name
User email
(I believe this is 2NF, correct me if I am wrong)
Table_user {
User ID
User name
User email
Table_review {
Feedback ID
(I believe this is 3NF, correct me if I am wrong)
Table_user {
User ID
User name
User email
Table_review {
Feedback ID
Table_user {
User ID
User name
User email
Table_whole {
User ID
Feedback ID
My questions:
Is it normalized?
Should "Table_whole" include its own ID?
I am saying thank you for any help, because I am really running out of time..
-- The user can make as many comments as they like
Table_review {
User ID
Game ID
Feedback ID
Table_feedback {
Feedback ID
-- Now users can comment on what other users think
-- but only to one level of nesting
Table_feedback_comments {
Feedback ID
User ID
-- a user can only rate a game once, but they can change their rating over time
-- For example more content was added and the user likes this
-- and wants to reflect that in their rating
Table_rating {
Game ID
User ID
Table_user {
User ID
User name
User email
Comment -- something that describes the user
-- Even if you have only one game you can still store it in the database
Table_game {
Game ID
Game Name
-- other columns used to represent a game